„Die Versprechungen, internationales und europäisches Recht zu respektieren, kommen mir wie das Ummanteln einer Zyanid-Tablette mit Zucker vor“

amnesty2Stellungnahme von Amnesty International zum Deal zwischen EU und der Türkei,  18.03.2016    19.04 Uhr
>EU-Turkey refugee deal a historic blow to rights
European leaders’ collective ‘double-speak’ fails to hide the myriad of contradictions of the deal sealed between the EU and Turkey on how to handle the refugee crisis, said Amnesty International today.Amnesty email

“The ‘double-speak’ this deal is cloaked in fails to hide the European Union’s dogged determination to turn its back on a global refugee crisis, and wilfully ignore its international obligations,” said John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International’s Director for Europe and Central Asia.<              weiterlesen


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